Thursday, February 14, 2013

Abaya Addict Designer Dr. D

1.  How did Deanna go from Dr. De to fashion designer?

Ever since I was a child, I was always very fashion-conscious.  When I learned how to draw—I couldn’t stop sketching designs & ideas.  All my friends knew that was what I wanted to do—someday have my own clothing line.  As I grew older though, a new dream settled in—to become a healthcare provider.  It was a stronger dream in the sense that it had more pros—was easier to accomplish within Chicago & seemed attainable.  Of course with the support of my family—I pursued Optometry & graduated nearly two years ago.

Dr. Deanna Khalil on a humanitarian trip to Nicaragua where
she provided free healthcare for over 5,000 patients
over the course of one week.
Around the same time that I finished my doctorate, I got married and was whisked away to Dubai, UAE with my man.  While in Dubai, I took some time off to be a full-fledged wife, and during that period I had the freedom and time to start sketching again.  That turned into me creating myself a few pieces that worked well in the Dubai heat. 

During my first visit to Chicago as a newlywed, I brought some store-bought Abayas & some of my own designs along with me to sell to my friends & that’s how Abaya Addict was born in the business sense!  Friends began asking me to make them dresses similar to the ones I made for myself, and that gave me the courage to start promoting my items to others outside of my circle.

2.  History of Abaya Addict?

 Abaya Addict began as a buy and resell startup in December 2011, but within months I began mass-producing my own clothing creations, which are essentially the heart of the operation.  By February 2012, I had a website up & running which featured my clothing line along with caftans and abayas for resale.

3. What do you think distinguishes abaya addict from any other Kaftans/Abaya brand?

Abaya Addict isn’t about ABAYAS per-say.  It’s about a new wave of modest clothing.  When people think “Abaya” they immediately picture a black-clad woman either carrying a designer bag or wearing niqab. I wanted to really break that idea and introduce a new form of modest dress that was still mainstream and trendy. So ultimately, what sets us apart is that we’ve become a company that can provide comfortable, stylish & hijab-worthy everyday clothing.  We offer formal wear to everyday essentials.   

"When I learned how to draw—I couldn’t 

stop sketching designs & ideas. "

4. Tell us a little about Dr. De's day to day routine and how she balances being a doctor, wife, mother, designer, and business woman?

I don’t want to lie and say it’s an easy lifestyle, because God knows I have had many sleepless nights answering emails, finishing patient charts & ultimately attempting to be superwoman!  But Alhamdullillah, I am no superwoman.   I’m merely me.  I wakeup bright and early to direct my staff in AA business—I head to work like any other normal adult.  I get distracted during my downtime at work by social media—like anyone else does!  Of course healthcare has always been priority for me, as I have dedicated a long time to becoming an eye doctor—but fashion is really my essence.  I love waking up and picking out one of my own designs to wear to work.  I also love creating clothing that I feel is perfect for the working Muslimah. 

The nice part about doing what I do, is that I have a very supportive husband, who is also my business partner.  I can’t say I am that wife who cooks & cleans on the daily—and he can attest to that—but I do try! 

Now with a child on the way inshallah, I have decided to work less in healthcare and as a result I will have more time for starting a family and expanding the Abaya Addict empire.

5.  Did you ever get to a point where you doubted the possibility of running it all at the same time?

Of course! Let’s be honest, it’s very overwhelming at times to keep up with the demands of growing cliental & to keep up with evolving trends while having a career & personal life.  It can be stressful & exhausting especially if I am doing everything on my own. But alhamdullillah I have a great team around me & the support of family. It all works out in the end.

But there’s no doubt that some days, doubt creeps in.  On those days I just turn to Allah swt for guidance and I lean on my husband & staff for moral support.  Usually Allah swt sends me an uplift by means of a customer sending a beautiful and very supportive email!  That usually turns my frown upside down and it makes all the chaos worth it!

6. Do you think it is important as a business woman and fashion designer to diversify your portfolio?

I believe Muslim women can do anything they put their mind to. I’m not one to try to be anything I am not.  So what I do create as a Fashion Designer for Abaya Addict—I am creating with myself in mind.  Would I wear that? What would I feel best in?  What shapes are most flattering? That’s really what drives me. If I wouldn’t wear it—you won’t see it on the site!

I have a diverse taste because some days I want to wear all black—and other days I am wearing every color in the rainbow—so the collections are pretty diverse. 

Since I am one who likes to stay atop of the fashion trends, I try to keep every collection fresh & unique for my clients as well.  But I don’t sit down and say “okay lets create 5 very different looks” I just aim to create something the real Muslimah can wear & love.

7.  How big of a team does it take to run such a busy online brand?

It started off with just my husband and I running the show—but Alhamdulillah we are growing by the day.  Aside from us in management-we started with one patternmaker & now Abaya Addict has a huge staff of 90 people working to hand-make the items you see on our site.  I have wonderful sales reps and I am looking for a new personal assistant to help me balance it all.   In addition we are looking for fashion interns who can help with our blog & new ventures. 

8.   Do you ever consider turning Abaya Addict into a full time job?

Why not? Who knows what the future holds for me.

9.   Do you feel like being based in Dubai has made any aspects of reaching out to your USA customers difficult (ex: shipping costs)?

Being based in Dubai is a blessing & a curse.  It’s been wonderful because it has helped me develop a brand and ultimately create something out of nothing.  In the same token, shipping is more expensive from this region—so that turns off many potential customers.  We have, as a company, taken on a fraction of the shipping cost. For instance one dress ships to the states for $22.99 but we ask our clients to pay $14.99, in hopes of making shipping more affordable!

1 10.   Future plans for Abaya Addict?

Oh heavens yes!  For starts—we have invested in a NEW user-friendly website that will make customer care much more efficient.  We are enhancing the Abaya Addict brand & creating a new logo to represent us.  The new look & site will be launched early in 2013, God willing.  

We have a wealth of plans for Abaya Addict, from bringing the brand to conventions in the US & UK, to creating new items & even a higher-end brand branch-off, to FLASH sales on well-known sites.  You will see us in more fashion shows & events as well.  We’re also going to be collaborating with other designers and inshallah bringing accessories to AA.  We are also in the process of developing our own online magazine and taking our blog to another level inshallah. 

Sky is the limit!

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Ndaa H.

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